Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The emerging scientific discoveries, ie. in nanoscience, genomics, and matrial sciences require clea

Can somebody please tell me about clean rooms. How expensive are they? Are scientists needing ever higher standards? Is this an important constraint to scientific progress into the future?

The emerging scientific discoveries, ie. in nanoscience, genomics, and matrial sciences require clean rooms.?uninstall internet explorer

Clean rooms are rooms in which the particulate matter is tightly regulated. This requires lots of air filters, heaters, coolers and pressurizers. The level of sterility is generally referred to as a number. For example a level 5000 clean room has a tolerance of 5000 or less air born particulates. This would be higher, or "more clean" than a level 10,000 but "less clean" than a level 2000.

Clean rooms are very expensive and require constant monitoring and maintenance. Therefore they are only used when absolutely necessary. For biology sake most experiments are carried out in a hood and not in a clean room because a clean room does not protect from what is inside the room, only from what is outside.

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