Firefox is better for me while it is faster and simple than MS IE.
In addition, there are a lot of plugins for Firefox, that doing my life easier.
As for IE - most people use it just because it is standard, and they do not care what program is better. But some other people really love IE.
I recommend you to install both and use them for a month. Then select what as you feel is better for you.
Which browser is better ie or firefox.?microsoft updates
Firefox for sure
Which browser is better ie or firefox.?windows server 2003 internet explorer
firefox, without question
Firefox is wonderful
Firefox rules!
same thing
firefox by far. too many security holes in IE. plus firefox has so many more cool functions (extensions/themes)
firefox, but i use ie sometimes because not all sites are set up for firefox
firefox is more secure.
Firefox has been proven to be safer to use than any other browser. And it's updates give you the isntallation updates you may need for you additional programs.
FIREFOX for sure IE6 is still trying to catch up
I prefer the tabs
people say firefox is adware and spyware free. but why do we have to think internet explorer is not good. it is made by microsoft. so it is the best and most compatible to windows. all most all the websites are compatible to ie. if you have to install some active x scripts, you have to keep on shifting to internet explorer. it is the best to use as both windows and it are made by microsoft. ie is much faster than firefox(very slow). you can use many toolbars only in ie.only google provides firefox version.
Firefox hands down!
I'm partial to Firefox. Been using it for two years on my personal computer.. IE is what we use on our work computer-it's OK, too much crap though.
firefox, and maxthon. I like maxthon though.
firefox. however the only problem is in downloadig the plugins. ie has most of the plugins u need. but firefox doesn't. u need to download each one as u use. but firefox outdoes ie in all other aspects
Both have pros and cons.
1) Tons of plugins
2) Easy to use options
3) Tons of tweaks at "about:config " (in address bar)
4) Not as secure as people think
5) Works for most sites
6) Slightly slower
1) Trustworthy MS coding
2) Isnt a million kids making legit looking, possibly harmful addins like for firefox.
3) Much more compatable with streaming media (from netflix movie clips for example)
4) Updates with windows update
5) Works on all sites
6) Slightly faster (probably +15%) on downloads
In other words, I use both. Firefox for common browsing, and Internet Explorer for when im at secure sites, or logged into somewhere important such as, or netflix...
However, I have been finding myself using IE more often, because Firefox dosent work for me watching yahoo videos %26amp; a handful of other multimedia sites.
So firefox rising to fill IE's shortcomings, only fueled IE to develop harder and stronger. So we may soon see IE step back up to the plate offering everything + more...
Depends on what you like.
If you like trouble free surfing = firefox
If you like spyware and virus problems = IE
Firefox is more secure, and I love the tabbed browsing. It seems Microsoft is releasing Internet Explorer 7 as a beta version, so it might be better.
A lot of sites are only viewable in Internet Explorer, but I suggest you only use it if it doesn't work on Firefox, otherwise you should use Firefox, as it is more secure.
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