Friday, November 20, 2009

Cannot add new devices ie camera and memory card reader to os win XP?

when I install software pc says I was successful, when I try to use devices am told drivers not installed. In device manager a yellow question mark appears beside the devices I am trying to use. Pleas help, I am doing this for my parents through a remote assistance connection so it's not easy.

Cannot add new devices ie camera and memory card reader to os win XP?microsoft flight simulator

The yellow question mark means that the device was not installed properly. All you have to do is click on the icon for devices the computer, in device manager, and as long as you have installed the drives etc from the supplied CD, Windows will then correctly install and set up your new hardware. Then re-boot, just to make sure everything was done. you will have to physically install the software on the actual machine that will use it as well.

Cannot add new devices ie camera and memory card reader to os win XP?windows 2000 internet explorer

Have you rebooted? Sometimes the install won't complete until after the reboot.
That's cos windows is crap. Buy a Mac.

Is your equipment compatible with XP or is it old? Make sure drivers are bang up to date and XP compatible.

This coming from a Mac lover!! We just plug and play. None of this reboot malarky.

Check out the new apple ad's on because you've just show exactly why Windows is rubbish!
Best attempt usually goes as follows:

Close ALL programs running in the background (quicktime, antivirus (temporarily), other task tray items). That's so they don't mess with the install or lock files that the installer might need to use. Some software just doesn't play fair together, even under XP.

Make sure that if you're installing drivers, you disconnect the hardware (or don't plug it in until AFTER you install drivers). If you've already plugged in the device and it recognized it but didn't have drivers it understood, that can bugger things up. Go into the device manager Start Menu -%26gt; settings -%26gt; control panels -%26gt; system -%26gt; Device manager. unplug your usb device from the USB port. Click the device with a yellow ? mark. right click it and click uninstall. It will go away.

NOW install the drivers. Once installed. Reboot. Once rebooted, connect the USB device. The system will now recognize the device, have CORRECT drivers to install, run through the process, and you SHOULD be up and running.

Generally USB thumb drives should be recognized automatically, as should many (not all) MP3 player card slots, which windows will configure and use automatically assuming they conform to the generic specifications (most do, some don't; the ones that don't you may need specific drivers for the device to be properly used/recognized).

Hope that helps! Also, for Canon printers, and possibly cameras, it will prompt you during the install software process when to connect the USB device and turn it on. Don't do it befoer that or you'll have to uninstall the driver and let it redetect it later like I said above.

Cheers, hope it works better for ya'.
that is the way you do it for windows 95 and up

wat u need to do is install the hardwear and then the softwear

that should work
I am not sure about this, but I do not believe that you can install hardware devices using remote assistance. I think you have to be on site.

Sorry I could not be of more help.


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