I have gone with pill abortion last year in September. On 25th February 2008, I took PlanB medicine to avoid pregnancy after an unsafe sex.After that I got my menstrual period on March 7th, 2008. And this month I still didn't get my menstrual period, i had a pregnancy test which is positive. We didn't had an unsafe sex this month. I don't know how I got this pregnancy. Now I am 5-6 week pregnant and want to go for Pill Abortion again.
Please suggest me if it is safe for second time. Does it affect my womb or my ability to get pregnancy next time or cause any child birth defects next time?
And also I have a doubt that, though I used PlanB and had my menstrual period last month , still that pregnancy is continuing.
Is it possible?
Does PlanB causes ectopic pregnancy?
Please let me know as soon as possible.
Thanks in advance.
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Please dont kill a baby for your mistake. Whether careless or not the baby didnt do anything to deserve to die! Go see a planned parenthood facility and let them help you!! any what are you worried about next time for, your pregnant NOW... you cant keep killing inocent babies and keep getting pregnant until you decide you want to keep it!!
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It all shouldn't be this complicated. If you use protection in the first place this wouldn't be a big problem. I never got pregnant until I wanted to and I had been having sex for years.
Abortion pill isn't considered a great form of birth control!
i think God is tring to tell you something. he want you to keep the baby!!!!!!!!!!!!! listen!!!!
If you're gonna act like an adult by having sex, then be prepared to handle the consequences. Think before you act.
Just reading this makes me sick to my stomach that a woman would do this to their child!
In September 1993, Brenda Pratt Shafer, a registered nurse with thirteen years of experience, was assigned by her nursing agency to an abortion clinic. Since Nurse Shafer considered herself "very pro-choice," she didn't think this assignment would be a problem. She was wrong.
This is what Nurse Shafer saw:
"I stood at the doctor's side and watched him perform a partial-birth abortion on a woman who was six months pregnant. The baby's heartbeat was clearly visible on the ultrasound screen. The doctor delivered the baby's body and arms, everything but his little head. The baby's body was moving. His little fingers were clasping together. He was kicking his feet. The doctor took a pair of scissors and inserted them into the back of the baby's head, and the baby's arms jerked out in a flinch, a startle reaction, like a baby does when he thinks that he might fall. Then the doctor opened the scissors up. Then he stuck the high-powered suction tube into the hole and sucked the baby's brains out. Now the baby was completely limp. I never went back to the clinic. But I am still haunted by the face of that little boy.
It was the most perfect, angelic face I have ever seen
But what about if the baby had been aborted at a younger age.. say 6 weeks? When the baby is this young, doctors use the Saline Method, where they inject a salty saline solution into the mother's womb. You would think it would just poison the baby, but it actually burns it to death. Even though the baby is so young, on ultrasounds of the abortion, the fetus is seen pulling away from the poison as it is injected.. obviously wanting to stay alive.(The baby is intelligent enough to move away from the pain..but the child can't escape it)
Think about that before you say that unborn children can't feel pain.
Life is life, no matter how small.
A baby cries for it's first and last time when it's aborted
You can deny it, but its true.
A baby is a living thing.
ITS A BABY, NOT A CHOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is wrong with you people???? Abortion is NOT BIRTH CONTROL!!!! USE A CONDOM!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok # 1 Does it affect my womb or my ability to get pregnancy next time or cause any child birth defects next time?
If you have had an abortion already and want another why would you ask this question?? are you planning on getting pregnant again and then aborting it or what!
You seem smart now act it!
Abortion for your reason for getting it, is wrong!
Don't give up that babies life! He/she deserves to breathe air and live.
Give it to a family that can't have babies if you don't want it, but give it a chance at life!
God Bless
Umm well to me im kinda getting the idea that you think this pill is some sort of birth controll because its not. I think you need to start making some smarter choices...i mean if you dont want to get pregnant you need to be on some sort of birth controll or use protection. I cant really help you out with the choice to keep this child or not, but you need to stop using the pill as a bc.
Why are you going to get an abortion when you had sex you should take responsibility for your actions. And if you can't afford or don't want a child there is a thing called ADOPTION. And next time don't have sex if you aren't ready for the responsibility or consequences of it!!
I am not going to repeat what others have said about your use of the abortion pill-although I do agree, but am not posting to judge you or lecture you(although I'd like to :). Aside from what my personal opinion is you need to talk to a health professional. There are risks involved for continually taking the abortion pill. You can get a few boxes of condoms or a birthcontrol injection for the cost of the morning after pill. Do a google search of planb and you should be able to have many questions answered there. I dont not believe that you will be able to take the pill now to terminate this pregnancy. On thing you really should think about is this-should you end this pregnancy now and then actually try to concieve in a few years when you are ready-what happens if you are unable to have a child-are you ready to handle the emotional feelings you may have b/c there could have been the possibility that taking the morning after pill so many times caused you unable to become pregnant. You also should read up on the affects that abortion has on your body. Good luck with whatever happens
I hope you never are able to have a baby.
Your using abortion for birth control, when really if you aren't responsible enough to accept it, then you shouldn't be having sex anyway.
Learn to handle your responsibilities.
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