YES! Most "soft" drinks are bad for you. Even though the diets have sugar substitutes in them the acid is horrible on your teeth. I also think there is something in there that makes them addictive. I see more people drinking diet coke like it's water than I see them drink anything. In the end ultimately the best drink for your body will always be water, soft drinks just cause more harm than good.
Are diet soft drinks (ie Diet Coke) bad for you?windows explorer
Are diet soft drinks (ie Diet Coke) bad for you?microsoft zune internet explorer
Yes,diet softdrinks is bad for me coz it has so many preservatives added in the diet softdrinks.
No, they aren't. They don't have calories, or any nutritional value whatsoever. It's like drinking caffeinated water.
And, umm, to the dumb teen above me, there's no preservatives in soft drinks. What a dumb thing to say.
And, umm, to the dumb teen below me, there's never been a single study showing that caramel coloring is bad for you. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. If you don't know the answer don't PULL IT OUT YOUR *** as you go along, for christ's sake! Artificial sweeteners are only bad for you in quantities too large for a human being to ingest (we're talking a hundred pounds in a day, duh)
Another dumb teen claims diet sodas contain "carbonic acid", which is entirely untrue. Totally bogus! You haven't received an honest, truthful answer yet. Diet sodas, as all sodas, contain carbonated water, NOT carbonic acid. Read more about carbonic acid here:
Davey just made the outrageous claim that diet sodas contain "sugar" which will "fatten you up"--DIET SODAS CONTAIN ZERO CALORIES. ZERO. DIET SODAS CONTAIN NO SUGAR. NO SUGAR. Davey needs to go back to school, because little davey told a stupid lie and claimed he was a dietician. Davey is a 13 year old liar.
I am getting thumbs down for telling the truth. Imagine that! Wow, truth is bad, lies are good, on yahoo answers?
all sodas to some extent are bad for you...the major things bad w diet soda in general is the artifical saweetners used to make it sweet also and dark soda contains carmel coloring %26amp; this is also known to be bad for you
Soft drink contains carbonic acid which is not good for the teeth. If tooth is kept in the soft drink for a very long time it gets dissolved.
at the very least, it does two things. The first is that your enamel in your teeth will wear down quicker. The second is that instead of refreshing your body, it actually dehydrates you.
You are better off drinking water with a twist of lime or lemon.
Diet drinks are still loaded with sugar and any sweetened drink is going to fatten you up and rot your teeth honey...sorry !
Yep, they are high in sodium
When are people going to let this nonsense go? How long before I'm left with taking vitamins and only drinking water that was approved by the FDA, USDA, ADA, AMA and blessed by God himself?
This is ridiculous and it's getting old.
Even if it is bad for you it can't hurt if it's only taken in moderation- even water can make you sick if you drink too much of it. Maybe the idea here shouldn't be to become a damned health nut but to get off of the couch and exercise some freaking SELF CONTROL!!!
diet soda causes your body to react as it would with normal soda because of it's deceivingly sweet flavor. It's not good for you because you produce insulin to break down the sugar, but it has no sugar to break down... this is bad. I also read that there have been studies proving that diet soda hinders weight loss. My advice? Stick to water
artificial sweeteners aren't good for you. i try to avoid any food or beverage that has artificial anything in it.
Yes, they are.
The phosphoric acid depletes the bones of calcium over time.
Nutrasweet breaks down into formic acid , methanol %26amp; aspartic acid in the body. Even small amounts require water to help the body get rid of the toxins.
Municipal water in the US is some of the safest to drink in the entire world, much better than soda of any kind.
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