Saturday, April 24, 2010

If I have IE 7 on comp. and hate it...How will I get the old I E for my browser?

un-install from control panel

add...remove..... updates at top

remove ie7

restart pc


just get firefox 2

it is better

If I have IE 7 on comp. and hate it...How will I get the old I E for my browser?windows media center

delete IExplorer 7

go to control panel

add %26amp; remove and find IExplorer 7 and click on remove

and your done. The old version will be back

If I have IE 7 on comp. and hate it...How will I get the old I E for my browser?nintendo ds browser internet explorer

Quit crying about it, get used to it, you will like it. I had the same problem, but I have found it is more convenient to use.

Well it could work uninstalling it , but then again it may not , cause IE uses most of the .dlls and .sys and .ini from the OLD ie , so BEFORE you even to something , open control panel and choose unistall program then go to add/remove windows components , there look for the IE there , Now you need the xp cd , to re-install IE 6 back ok
just get Firefox.

I am using IE 6.0. Under the "Tools" menu there use to be "Show related links".

Are you sure that wasnt the google toolbar installed on your old browser?


Sorry lass, I meant the google toolbar that you can install to be part of the internet explorer browser.


Updated info...

Found a link that has some files to put back that option for you... check the second link below.

I just downloaded IE 7 but it always shows blank page.I have tried refresh button etc. etc. Help ple

IE 7 has a number of issues. Just go to control panel click the add/remove programs icon and remove IE7. It will automatically revert back to your old IE6 and all it's settings.

I have had to do this on a number of my customers computers due to the instability of IE7.

I just downloaded IE 7 but it always shows blank page.I have tried refresh button etc. etc. Help please !?microsoft works

Do you have a valid copy of Windows?? If not, thats why!

I just downloaded IE 7 but it always shows blank page.I have tried refresh button etc. etc. Help please !?windows mobile internet explorer

ex it out and try again
Did you try typing a URL into the address field? Maybe it reset your homepage to be a blank page... it's possible.

Don't use IE anyway... there are better browsers out there, namely Firefox.
Go into tools and Internet options and general and set your home page to You can set as many as you want to open when you open IE
What's in the address bar???

Could it be "about:blank" ???

Type in an adress...

Then set your home page click tools--%26gt;internet options
I would personally ditch IE (well just don't use it) and install Firefox. its a much better browser and you can always use IE on certain pages if need be. I tried to do a internet search on your problem, and came across numerous sites from forums, blogs, windows based companies and so on regarding an IE bug. You might want to try uninstalling and re-downloading it if you aren't ready to switch to another browser. Here is a site I found on I, hopefully it has some good advice for you:

and just incase you might be ready for firefox the website is:

I downloaded the IE 7 and it took aways the tabs how do i get the tabs back ?


Opera is a Web browser and Internet suite which handles common internet-related tasks, including visiting web sites, sending and receiving e-mail messages, managing contacts, and online chat.

Opera is developed by Opera Software, based in Oslo, Norway. It runs on a variety of operating systems, including Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Solaris, FreeBSD and Linux systems. It is also used in mobile phones, smartphones, Personal Digital Assistants, game consoles and interactive televisions. Technology from Opera is also licensed by other companies for use in such products as Adobe Creative Suite.

Desktop and Mobile Mini versions of Opera are available free of charge.

I downloaded the IE 7 and it took aways the tabs how do i get the tabs back ?replacement windows

Go to Tools %26gt; Internet Options %26gt; Change how Web pages are displayed in tabs Settings. Check the box that says "enable tabbed browsing" and restart IE.

I downloaded the IE 7 and it took aways the tabs how do i get the tabs back ?windows mail internet explorer

I did the same thing its been a real pain.

How to stop IE 7 installing through updates?

Hi, I have been bugged the past few days by the buble on my bottom right screen instructing me to install IE7. I do not want to install however as I find is slows my system down significantly when using it. How can stop the bubble popping up and prevent IE7 from installing at any future time?

Thanks in advance.

How to stop IE 7 installing through updates?windows explorer

Try and see if there is an option to select on the message bubble, like a little check box, where it says, "Don't show this message again", and check it, it should go away then.

Can old magazines (ie: back issues) be mailed as Bound Printed Matter?

I am UK based and sell magazines from a website

When posting overseas, I always send orders as printed papers - on the advice of the post office.

This is

a) good for customs approval and

b) cheaper than sending them as small packets, which is the other alternative.

I m bored ie 7 firefox and opera could anyone tell me another browser better than these ; thanks bro

The browsers your mentioned are the best and most popular on the marked.

How do you get bored with a browser ? If it's the look, Firefox support themes. If it's like of features Firefox supports add-ons, to make it even more exciting.

I m bored ie 7 firefox and opera could anyone tell me another browser better than these ; thanks bros?microsoft powerpoint

I find netscape rather appealing and easy to work with.

I m bored ie 7 firefox and opera could anyone tell me another browser better than these ; thanks bros?windows xp sp2 internet explorer


seems that you don`t know much about the power of firefox browser

here you have a video tutorial on how you can maximize the power of the browser and have fun customizing it
Try Opera for a start, possibly better than the latest version of Firefox, it features 'speed dial' letting you call up the latest version of your 9 favourite web sites.
that's hard, you can try playing around with firefox themes and add ons, you can find something that'll get you back on.
I don't know.

Why does meat, ie steak, pork, chicken, not taste half as good as it did years ago?

You are absolutely correct, meat doesn't taste as good as it did years ago, anybody who says anything else, especially in the UK is talking utter rubbish!!!

Supermarket meat especially beef tastes less because of the speed in which it is taken from the farm to the counter.

Beef should be hung for at least 20 days after slaughter before being sold as this intensifies the flavour of the meat, normal supermarket cuts of beef are hung for much less time if at all !!!

We're told that the freshest meat is the best meat but in the case of beef this is just not the case, don't be drawn into the myth that the reddest meat on display will be the best because it won't, it'll simply mean that it's come straight from the farm and it hasn't been hung at all.

I think this is virtually the same for most red meats !?!?

As for Chicken well there are so many variations to choose from these days - Corn fed, Organic, Free Range etc etc. Basically I find the cheaper the chicken the cheaper the taste.

Supermarkets (give or take a couple) generally do not care one bit about how there food tastes, it's all about profit.

The best advice you can give to anybody about buying any kind of meat is to look for a local butcher who stocks locally bred produce and who can tell you exactly how each animal was bred, where they were bred and what they were fed on etc etc etc.

Years ago all food was sold this way, there was no mass production plants churning out tonnes upon tonnes of bland tasting meat and vacuum packing it straight away for our conveinience. Meat was meat and good meat at that, no added preservatives to make it last longer on the shelf and no added colourings to make it look more attractive to the eye.

Here in the UK there a couple of things that you can give a go to sample the difference between good honest meat and basic supermarket fodder.

Firstly go to and browse the "Local Food Heroes" section to find somebody near you who is producing and selling great local produce.

Secondly Sainsbury's "Taste the Difference" range of meats, particullally the Steaks (hung for a minimum of 21 days) simply taste head and shoulders about anything you'll find packed on the shelves.

Give it a go, support you local producers.

As for cooking meat we're far too sceptical about it these days,, people seem to think that if you eat a rare steak your going to get some disease and die which is also absolute rubbish !!! Sterility of meat and farming methods have never been better than they are today.

All meats deteriorate in flavour during prolonged cooking, the proteins containing the flavour keep breaking down all good food science books will tell you this as well as anybody who has any idea of how to cook.

If you can get hold of one check out this book "Mcgee on food" it'll tell you everything and more.

Why does meat, ie steak, pork, chicken, not taste half as good as it did years ago?microsoft live

Good question! I'm not sure, but I'm guessing it's because of all the additives they give them these days. Everything is so unnatural.

Why does meat, ie steak, pork, chicken, not taste half as good as it did years ago?microsoft internet explorer internet explorer

Either modern farming methods or your taste buds have deteriorated over the years
because people no longer cook using dripping and far too much salt! They try to make sure as much fat is drained as possible and the combination of all the above leaves something resembling warm leather!
"Lean" tastes like crap

AND your taste buds may have changed. They do that ya know.
no idea
Sorry...................... you are getting older and your taste buds loose their ability to taste so when you get older everything taste blah
I'm not an expert, but I think there are a couple of reasons. One is that fat carries flavor, and cattle and pigs have been bred to be leaner, meaning less fat. I also think that the methods used to quickly bring the animals to slaughter weight in a shorter time than would happen naturally dilutes the flavor of the meat somehow.
Chemicals %26amp; the animals %26amp; poultry are no longer corn fed. The bad taste, or "not so good" taste, is called PROGRESS!!! Y-u-u-m-m-m!
Chemical Processing, additives, and growth hormones have caused rapid growth without proper development. Also what something eats effects the way it tastes. Try comparing regular market chicken against free-range and against freerange organic. You will be stunned
because all the crap they're given now. They're not allowed move much and are just fed until big enough to be killed. Also, say with beef, it tastes much better the longer it's hung for
It's chock-full of preservatives and hormones. Buy fresh organic stuff and you will notice the difference :-)
it doesnt taste different your taste buds have changed..the only thing i eat that i consider that the taste hasnt changed on is ..MARMITE..
Make sure you get fresh meat from a good butcher, not this supermarket rubbish.

It' also down to the way you cook the meat. If you enjoy cooking your food will always taste good.
See if your local farmer's market has a butcher. Or try to find a local farm shop.

Try the meat from one of these sources and see how it compares to supermarket rubbish.
it was the fat that gave it the flavour and stopped it drying out in cooking, now it is all lean and healthy and tasteless.
all animals food's have to much chemical's , everything now is how quick it can reared , and into the supermarket's . that's what i think anyway. it's nothing to do with your tastebud's
...because everything now are homone enhanced. All the Farmed animals lock in factory like cage and constant feed with new improve enhanced feeds. In many case, blend in chemical, homone, just to make it growth faster %26amp; bigger while the animals don't have too much exercise. Haha,

Even Human is affected by it. As you could see, All the industrial mordern nations, people is much bigger and fatter than few decades ago. Many don't realize and thought it's an diet issues. Instead, they fail to look at what they eat and where those things from.
The flavour of meat is in the fat content. The animals are bred much too lean these days in order to give more meat per hoof.
Meats such as steak and beef etc, are not hung in supermarkets, this is important. A slab of meat shouldn't look bright blood red when you buy it, but more of a deep burgundy red after being hung for days. Use the butchers, avoid supermarkets whenever you can.

for chicken try organic.
b/c of all the garbage we feed our livestock and the growth hormoes pumped into them...try freerange meats they are awesome in comparison!!
full of additives , the animals that produce the meat are fed all kinds of rubbish , the meat is pumped full of water as a cheap way of increasing the weight
One of the main reasons is the meat packers are injecting the meats with a solution. READ THE LABEL !!! Read the fine print. it may say enhanced with broth or solution but it is all saline (salt)

up to 19% and it is just added weight (water and salt). They do this for profit, shelf life and sometimes using cheaper cuts of meat.

My point is it is unhealthy and more gouging of the consumer.

What can you do? By meat from a butcher shop or the meat cutter in a grocery store. Do not keep meat in the retail package.
Because the animals are kept in barns and stuffed with hormones and fattening feed. In the old days all animals lived out in the open. Eat grass that gave flavour. Ran around to help them have a happy life.
Are you as old as I am? How you find that out?

At one time those animals were not pumped full of antibiotics, growth hormones, and artificial additives put into their feed. They were most often corn fed. Most chickens were not frozen but delivered daily, freshly killed. Before frozen processing this was the only way.

As far as beef, it too was corn fed. Cattle from Texas was never butchered in Texas. All were shipped to Kansas City where they were penned in stock yards, with corn and wheat bins on all four sides of the pens, along with plenty of water. The cattle could not walk far, and certainly no where to run.

This is where the name Kansas City Steak originated. The meat was marbled, not tough, since they did not range and run.

I worked in a meat market in the 40s. We handled only full carcass. We hung the full sides in our coolers at 34-38 degrees for about 2-3 weeks. When the carcass hangs for that time, the fibers began to pull apart, not much, but the meat becomes very tender. One can push a finger into it. At that stage, the meat turns a dark, almost black, on the surface. It is not spoiled, but merely darkens from oxidation. This is trimmed off and used in hamburger, When ground, the color lightens, mixed with "fresher" meat.

The trimmed meat is then a dark pink color, not bright red. Bright red is not aged.

These are the steaks of which you speak.

Beef used to be graded by the FDA as, AAA, AA, and A. AAA was the meat described. At some point in the late 40s, the FDA decided that AAA, as it WAS known, was not necessary. So, they dispensed with AAA as it WAS known, and graded AA meat as AAA, and so on down the line. From that time on, cattle were not fed as they used to be, and the top grade, AAA is the best we have, but it is not AAA as we used to have.

Further, up to now, chemicals and all the other mentioned has increased in usage.

A long answer to your question. Sorry.
In fact you have the question wrong. It tastes better now then it did years ago, due to the better methods in caring for farm animals. In fact it is healthier now (if you exclude the possibility of mad cow disease) which was unknown when you were eating it as a child.
It still tastes the same... All the answers about "additives" are utter BS...

Go get a steak at whole foods or wild oats, or any other leftist market... It tastes exactly the same as any comparable "CORPORATE FARMED" beef of the same usda quality..

learn how to cook!
Some of it is due to additives and preservatives, then you have coloring, as well as much of the fat (which gives flavoring) trimmed off to make it "healthier". In the end, meats can tastes sort of plastic and bland. It's the same with many fruits and vegetables! They often taste so plastic.
there is water in a lot of it to swell it up

I'm using IE to browser and all of a sudden it closes down an a text file appeared on my deskto

the text file's name is hs_err_pid3292, and I've looked everywhere on what it could be, but I haven't found a straight answer. So what I'm asking is if anyone else has found this text file on their desktop and what is it exactly?

I'm using IE to browser and all of a sudden it closes down an a text file appeared on my desktop?windows server 2003

Virus, this is 90% virus.

I'm using IE to browser and all of a sudden it closes down an a text file appeared on my desktop?windows xp service internet explorer

It sounds like virus.
Virus. get rid of it :)
desktop, I never heard of that

hs... highsecurity?

err - error

pid... program id?

I think this is a question to send to Microsoft.

I now have IE 7, how do I copy and paste?

can't seem to find the "edit" feature where one normally chooses "copy or paste"

I now have IE 7, how do I copy and paste?microsoft exchange

On the right hand side of the "tabs" bar look for Tools. Click on the drop down arrow. Then click on Toolbars and then click on Customize. Then simply drag cut, copy, paste from the left hand pane to the right hand pane.

The only problem I have with this is that you have to click on Tools on the right hand side each time you want to use them.

Another way is to click on Tools and then click on Menu Bar. This will put the File, Edit, View, Favorites, Tools, and Help bar under the URL/address bar. Just click on Edit and cut and paste should be there for ya.

Hope this helps.

I now have IE 7, how do I copy and paste?windows vista ultimate internet explorer

It is now under page, top right corner, the icon looks like a piece of paper with a pencil writing on it.
Dont use IE7

dont contribute the monopoly and the bad quality products

Download Firefox 2. Faster Browsing, more security, simply better.
use ctrl c to copy then ctrl v to paste

same as before
you could use the shortcut keys...

cntl + c = copy

cntl + v = paste
ctrl +c to copy and ctrl + v to paste

I just downloaded IE 7.0. My favorites tab disappeared. Why?

It didn't disappear it's just in a different spot. Look at the left hand corner of your homepage, you should see your back arrows, under that you will see file, edit, etc.. and under that you will see two stars. Click on the big star and there you will find your favorites. Good Luck

I just downloaded IE 7.0. My favorites tab disappeared. Why?windows xp pro

That's what you get, you should've downloaded Mozilla Firefox! Hahaha

I just downloaded IE 7.0. My favorites tab disappeared. Why?microsoft net framework internet explorer

Your favorites are on the gold star, to the left side of your toolbar, also your history and feeds are in there...Good Luck..

Can't install ie 6?

I agree. Install Mozilla Firefox. Visit the link below:

Can't install ie 6?microsoft templates

install firefox instead

Can't install ie 6?windows firewall internet explorer

I fail to see what your problem is.
That sounds like an unusual situation. Usually installing IE6 is a simple matter. You might pose a question that tells us what happens when you try to install. Is the download interrupted?

I upgraded my IE now when creating email - click on "TO" to insert address it does not giv

If I click on the address book all addresses are there but click on "TO" to bring in an address it doesnot work...acts like it is empty?

I upgraded my IE now when creating email - click on "TO" to insert address it does not give my address book?nintendo ds browser

I would say...Screw Yahoo!


Get 30GB online storage space for free with's email service.

What exactly does --( ie cache ) stand for ???

everytime i run my drive cleaner,it finds hundreds of items under this. is it serious or nothing to really worry about ????

What exactly does --( ie cache ) stand for ???windows xp professional

IE cache is a folder in your Internet Explorer Program Files folder where website files are stored to help speed up your web surfing.

That's also the folder where IE will store its cookies (or website receipts). You can delete everything from the cache, and it will clear a lot of storage from your hard drive, BUT the cache will just fill back up and in the short term it may mildly affect your browser's performance. If you leave the cache intact IE will regulate it on its own.

If you are trying to get more storage on your computer, you can go into Internet Explorer Tools and change the % of drive space or number of megabytes of storage you want to allow the cache to take up on your hard drive. It also gives you other options about your computer history, cookies etc. I recommend you get to know your IE options because they can help keep your internet browsing safe for your computer.

What exactly does --( ie cache ) stand for ???windows xp home internet explorer

Nothing to worry about. Its just another way of saying temporary internet files. Most likely they are cookies, web pages, etc. They get loaded on their to personalize the browsing experience, but you need to clear them out occaisonally.
The Internet Explorer (ie) cache is basically a folder on your systems where the ie puts for example images from websites in, so next time you visit the website it loads quicker.
cache is temporary storage of websites and other things that you have visited. It is perfectly normal to get this, and delete it using Disk Cleanup.

Everything that Disk Cleanup finds can be deleted. Then use DEFRAG to help make your drive run somewhat faster. If you do BOTH just once a week, your computer will be kept running in top shape.

You should have an anti-spyware solution on your computer. I recommend that you go to and get AD-AWARE and SpyBot Search %26amp; Destory. Install, run, update and scan your computer with both programs.

Good luck and Happy Computing.

Can dust mites, ie. bed bugs live in a leather sofa.?

I am infested with the bloody things, so i am going to throw away the beds, and sofas that i have...i wonder if i replace them with a leather sofa, i will be better off?

Can dust mites, ie. bed bugs live in a leather sofa.?windows mobile

Read this's all about bed bugs / dust mites. Everything you need to know..

Can dust mites, ie. bed bugs live in a leather sofa.? internet explorer

Dust mites and Bed bugs are different.

I am sorry, but I do not know the answer to your leather sofa question, but if you are infested with bed bugs you need to find out how to fumigate to get rid of them, not throw away everything. Dust mites are only gotten rid of by controlling your humidity in your house...

and yes, no carpeting also helps with dust mites and they sell covers that dustmites can not penetrate, but as for bed bugs I have no expeience, good luck.

Google it
yes i belive they can not sure

All these random IE windows keep opening (more in details)?

and I assume this is a virus of some sort. There is literally one every 20 seconds or so. Somehow Task Manager has also been disabled.

The problem is that Clamwin doesn't seem to come up with anything.


All these random IE windows keep opening (more in details)?windows mail

The 2 programs below should fix ya up.

Download, update and run Spybot--- . Don't forget to use the Immunize feature.

Download, update and run Adaware---

All these random IE windows keep opening (more in details)?microsoft maps internet explorer

You have spyware. Download spybot.
USA_Fox is right... get anti-spyware sw and you should get antivirus sw as well while you're at it..
You got adware/spyware download this its free
Get adaware of some other antispyware software.

Would you allow iE maximizer to set KernelFaultCheck to run at startup ?


Would you allow iE maximizer to set KernelFaultCheck to run at startup ?microsoft net


Would you allow iE maximizer to set KernelFaultCheck to run at startup ?microsoft flight simulator internet explorerU R sooooooooo wlkm...Enjoy. Report It

Everytime I start IE the site is displayed. My home page is locked. Wat shall I do to u

I've also tried with several anti virus like Windows protector, NAV ,etc but nothing is working.Also other things like Folder Options, Run %26amp; the task manager are not working.Even after formatting the problem is not solved. Wat shall i do? NEED HELP! PLEASE HELP!!!!

Everytime I start IE the site is displayed. My home page is locked. Wat shall I do to unlock it?windows xp sp2

Because it's not a virus but a hijacker try Spybot Search and Destroy from Download it, update it, immunize then check for problems

Everytime I start IE the site is displayed. My home page is locked. Wat shall I do to unlock it?microsoft sql server internet explorer

ok giving you a easier solution download the file provided in the source list.

run it and just check the entries which you find suspicious or else save a log from this software and send it to me in message.

i will tell you which entries to delete and how :)

Can't open IE?

I have IE7, since last night I've been unable to connect- I keep getting this message.

Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

I've tried AOL and Firefox, and both of them are working ok. I hate AOL though, and Firefox is really slow for me. Does anyone know what might be wrong?


Can't open IE?windows xp service

IE Explorer sucks and I will only use firefox...Try opening up "my computer" and on the top where the address bar reads my computer type and see if it loads the page...redownload IE explorere again..if that does not work then follow these steps if your using windows xp

1. Click on the start menu

2. Click on run

3. type restore and click ok

4. Go through the steps and chose to restore to an earlier date where your IE explorer did work

5. Restart computer and it should work.. if that does not work

1. Download Ad-aware SE

2. Download Spybot S%26amp;D I will put both links below. Good luck!

You can also download AVG anti virus

Can't open IE?microsoft xp internet explorer

infection, run an AV and adware, looks like IE7 got hijacked.

%26gt; Personal

%26gt; Housecall do an online scan, that should fix it.
go to add and remove programs in control panel and remove IE a window should open that has a repair option choose that and let it repair
Go to Add or Remove and uninstall it (IE) from there, Restart and re install it that will fix it.

I am using IE 6 and suddenly for last 10 days or so my yahoo mail is not opening. what could be the

The main page is opening but non other link opens. I had to download mozilla firefox to view the mail in yahoo. In that it is opening.

I am using IE 6 and suddenly for last 10 days or so my yahoo mail is not opening. what could be the problem?windows vista ultimate

Your Mail Server is Offline now. Access your Yahoo mailbox via


If you have.

Yahoo! Mail has experienced a login error OR "Unable to load mail javascript files."

Just do this and you are good to go !!!

IE7 %26gt; Tools %26gt; Delete all browsing history.

Firefox %26gt; Firefox Tools, Clear Private Data, check 'Cache' only, Clear

Private Data Now.

Then your Yahoo Mail will load and open successfully.

I am using IE 6 and suddenly for last 10 days or so my yahoo mail is not opening. what could be the problem?default browser internet explorer

Yahoo is still having some problems at the moment. If you look you will find lots of people cannot send/receive/delete mail at the moment. I was advised to uninstall Javascript and then reinstall the latest version. This worked for me. If it does not for you then apparently it's only in the all new version. Try returning to the Classic version for now. Good luck use this link to get back

What is firmware ie in pcs?

Usually it means hardware (IE computers). Programs that run on computers are called software.

What is firmware ie in pcs?microsoft net framework

Used to describe the hardware ie. CD, Motherboard, hard drive etc.

What is firmware ie in pcs?windows xp themes internet explorer

In computing, firmware is software that is embedded in a hardware device. It is often provided on flash ROMs or as a binary image file that can be uploaded onto existing hardware by a user.

In practical terms, firmware updates can improve the performance and reliability, indeed even the basic available functionality of a device, and many devices benefit from regular firmware updates. One of the most common devices to have regular firmware updates are recording devices such as optical media writers (DVD, CD, Bluray), as media technologies extend, so firmware updates ensure hardware is kept up to date and compatible.

Another instance of IE opens?

Hi all,

When ever I open my Internet explorer, another instance opens with the address on the adderess bar " to do?

Another instance of IE opens?windows firewall

Ha your bust with a spyware or BHO.

Download an antispyware.

Another instance of IE opens?microsoft frontpage internet explorer

I agree with puneet. It's a adware, try to download free adware/spyware remover. you can get it from and search for spyware. Or you can install antivirus software that has firewall and spyware/adware detection to avoid future intrusions

I am using IE 6.0....i cannot see or access pop-up blocker so as to unblock pop ups i want..?

What could be wrong..Usually it appears on toolbar..but now its missing...pls help

I am using IE 6.0....i cannot see or access pop-up blocker so as to unblock pop ups i want..?windows 98

my opinion is remove IE and use mozila firefox 3.0

firefox gives better speed,security and reliablity then IE.

I am using IE 6.0....i cannot see or access pop-up blocker so as to unblock pop ups i want..?microsoft support internet explorer

Run a Windows update or just reinstall IE6.
If you click a bar above which says "pop-up blocked", the prompt will say "temporarily allow this pop-up". Click that and you can see the pop-up. I was using IE6. Now I am using IE7. The bar is there in both.
Ok... here's what you do.... install IE 7 for free from microsoft updates. It's free if you have a legal copy of windows.
install google tool bar you will get many options
I think you should try mozilla is 1.5 times faster than IE6 and you can manage popup.. image from a site as you want....
hello nimm here in my lab we use both mozila firefox 5.0 and internetn exploror 6.0. Really i want to tell you that firefox is much more faster than IE. so why dont you try for it?

Internet works, however IE 7 and yahoo messenger dont work. HELP!!!?

My internet connection is working and i know this because i am able to download and upload files on Limewire and Shareeza however internet explorer wont work and either will yahoo messenger.

i was using the internet when the connection appeared to get really slow so i restarted my Internet connection and then IE7 and yahoo messenger would no longer work however i know for sure im getting a good internet connection due to the fact i can still download and upload files from limewire and shareeza.

i already attempted a system restore to no avail and i also attempted to disable all IE7 add ons and still nothing.

i ran all anti-virus, adware, and spyware programs i have (To check if something was in my computer screwing it up) and i EVEN ran those applications in safe nothing...everything is fine.

i havent downloaded any new software recently so how would i fix this.

please help its very important to run my small record label.

thank you very much.

Internet works, however IE 7 and yahoo messenger dont work. HELP!!!?windows xp home

1. start run (type in) temp Delete all files here

2 start run (type in) %temp % Delete all files here

3.start run (type in) Prefetch Delete all files here

Internet works, however IE 7 and yahoo messenger dont work. HELP!!!?microsoft visual studio internet explorer

Try to reset Internet Explorer settings, you return it to the state it was in when it was first installed on your computer. This is useful for troubleshooting problems that might be caused by settings that were changed after installation. When you restore Internet Explorer's default settings, some webpages that rely on previously stored cookies, form data, passwords, or previously installed browser add-ons might not work correctly.

If not, install ie6.. got same problem before and i found out that its because of my antivirus. I used norton before.

Firefox 2 or IE 7 which is better?

From Speed and convenience point of view

Firefox 2 or IE 7 which is better?

What sort of question is this? Firefox2 is better in every possible aspect!!

It is like trying to compare a Ferrari to a Lada..

Firefox 2 or IE 7 which is better?microsoft windows xp internet exploreranything microsoft,errr microflop sucks Report It

Firefox for sure, but IE7 got waaay better, so I would definitely tell you to take a look at it, try it out. Never hurts to try, right ... until it effs up your system, of course. .. that's when you blame MS ;) hehehe
Comparasion from CNet (Points out of 15)

Round 1: Installation woes

FF2: 13

IE7: 5

Round 2: Look and community

FF2: 15

IE7: 12

Round 3: Tabbed browsing

FF2: 13

IE7: 11

Round 4: Cool new features

FF2: 11

IE7: 9

Round 5: Security and performance

FF2: 12

IE7: 10

If you want the completely elaborated comparasion, go here:
Firefox is the best. Get rid of IE, forget it forever.
Security Bites Podcast: Firefox 2 beats IE 7 | CNET

Mozilla rebuts Firefox 2 bug reports. Minor issues surface after IE 7 launch. With Firefox 2, Mozilla touts security and speed. Microsoft hopes 7 is lucky number for IE ...
Firefox is better compare to IE7 as it as more security options and it is a strong core Browser.. Firefox is better in opening the site than IE7 and it is secure compare to IE7 and it has faster downloads of big files...

I hope this answer will satisfy your question
Firefox 2
Firefox 2 is much better in every possible manner. Especially if you are using pirated windows better to forget using ie7.
go for firefox 2. IE 7 almost destroyed my most important files.
Security should be the most important aspect when considering which browser to use, after all you don't want your PC infested with spyware and viruses that will screw up your PC and could lead to at the worst, identity theft.

IE 7's security vulnerabilities are 100% unpatched and will be at least until Dec 12 (Microsoft issues security patches on the second Tuesday of every month)

In the meantime IE 7 will be 100% unpatched

United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team:

Multiple Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Internet Explorer 7

United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team:

"There are a number of significant vulnerabilities in technologies related to the IE domain/zone...It is possible to reduce exposure to these vulnerabilities by using a different web browser"

Check this out

IE7 supports web standards very poorly, and this drives up the cost of web developing, leaving us consumers ultimately paying the bill. Try this test using Firefox and then IE

Firefox 2 is simply better and safer etc...etc...etc...

How to disable IE Back button througth javascript?

Run command prompt and type %26lt;html%26gt;%26lt;/html%26gt;

How to disable IE Back button througth javascript?windows server 2003

not possible...

How to start IE when i boot the system?

You could add IE to the 'StartUp' folder or add it as a Service.

How to start IE when i boot the system?microsoft exchange

you could add it to the start program or just click on the icon

Rear engine car ie a porsche, how do they make it handle well?

I ask because i have a model car with two pairs of springs hard and soft, should i put the hard ones at the front or the rear?

My car has a center of gravity near the rear just like a porsche.

Rear engine car ie a porsche, how do they make it handle well?windows xp pro

Porsche accomplishes the handling capabilities in a number of ways... though ultimately, a car with such a weight distrubition will leave alot to the skill of the driver. The balance is not ideal for many applications, but conversely it allows for it to do somethings that would not be practical to do in other cars.

As to your dilemna with the springs... you say you have a hard set and soft set. Where each should go will depend alot on the just how soft is soft, and hard is hard.

As has been pointed out, the heavier rear will require more spring than the lighter front... and as a generalization, the harder will always be in the back under such circumstances.

However, since this question started off about how to make a rear engined car handle... it will get down to the types of spings and actual rates. While a 911 will have heavier springs to the rear, they may well be proportionally softer than the front in order to help the rear grip more (a harder rear and softer front could well become too "oversteery").

Rear engine car ie a porsche, how do they make it handle well?microsoft net framework internet explorer

if most of the weight is towards the rear put the harder springs there, the softer ones will bottom out.
porsches are tail swingers by nature all that weight behind the axle acts like a pendulum. also all that unsprung weight behind the axle..

Put your stronger springs in the rear...

I have a IE JAVA SCRIPT ERROR ,LINE 499 CHAR. 57..Went into tools & followed inst. Can't fi

Use Firefox.

I have a IE JAVA SCRIPT ERROR ,LINE 499 CHAR. 57..Went into tools %26amp; followed inst. Can't fix. WHY?microsoft templates

I can't say without more info. What site were you trying to access? Are you working on a program of your own? Either way, it sounds like it just what it says : that there is an error on some JavaScript running behind whatever page you are trying to view. If it is something you are working on, I would open it in textpad - or better yet, Netbeans or something like it - and look at that line number. If it is a website you are trying to visit, they probably rolled out some changes that are not working, and others are experiencing the same issue.

Since I left IE and went to mozilla firefox/no sound on American Greeting e-mail cards please help m

Probably you need some add-on or plugin to be installed that you don't have now. Check the site for tech support, I can't enter the site because it's asking me registration first and I won't do it.

Since I left IE and went to mozilla firefox/no sound on American Greeting e-mail cards please help me?windows xp professional

nemo8cj76 You are on newspaper!

After upgrade to IE 7.0 the delete function on E-Mail no longer works?

As well the check all button on Bulk mail no longer works, nor did the submit button in the ask a question section?

After upgrade to IE 7.0 the delete function on E-Mail no longer works?microsoft net

Try loading it again. Go back to an earlier release if your e-mail does not interface right.

What cultural things (ie buildings, cothing, taxi's) should i compare from region to region?

Food, clothing, music, traditions, homes, schedules, cars, technology, language, schooling, plants, how they read for example back to front (in Japan), animals, famous people, money. I hope I helped ;)

When a blimp (ie Goodyear)is at a football game, who pays who? the compnay pay the school, or vice v

The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company would pay in the instance of their blimp. They do not pay the school per say, they would pay the body putting on the event for exclusive advertising rights. It is in their advertising budget to do so. This is how they keep reminding people like us to buy their products, goods or services.

When a blimp (ie Goodyear)is at a football game, who pays who? the compnay pay the school, or vice versa?windows xp service

sponsor pays the sport

Can you use IE 6.0 with a Mac?

Only on the Windows partition. The last version of IE for a Mac was v5.2.3 and MS quit supporting it over 4 years ago.

Can you use IE 6.0 with a Mac?windows vista ultimate

Mac has is own OS different to PC

Can you use IE 6.0 with a Mac?default browser internet explorer

There is no such thing. The Mac business unit at MS stopped making it at about IE 4.0 or 5.0 I think.

You don't need it now anyway, Safari has v3.0 and FF for Mac is great. I'm on the latest version of
Why would you want to???

How to get IE on task bar and completly disable "history" to function when i surf net next

.....list of words earlier searched at google which appears every time by dropping down when i search any new word at google?

How to get IE on task bar and completly disable "history" to function when i surf net next time net framework

Turn off Autocomplete in Internet Explorer.

How to get IE on task bar and completly disable "history" to function when i surf net next time xp themes internet explorer

goto "tools %26gt; internet Option %26gt; content" then you can change the setting.
Disable the "google" toolbar. Right click taskbar click on toolbars and select new then IE...Done...{:-{}.
The closest answer to the real one that I can see is Foster K.

Like he said, (we are talking about IE only)...go to TOOLS

click OPTIONS.

You will get about 5 tabbed pages of settings. Start at first

page and go thru very carefully and check (or uncheck)

exactly what you want.

Your IE program will then do exactly as you please--not as

the previous person wanted.

There is a page in there that says DELETE HISTORY/

another one says DELETE COOKIES anothere one

says DELETE TEMPORARY PAGES. I would suggest

that you don't delete anything until you also open VIEW FILES, VIEW COOKIES. then you can see for sure what

you want to delete. Happy hunting. starts to load in IE then IE closes?

is something wrong with the site? Florida Association of Health Underwriters or is it for members only? starts to load in IE then IE closes?windows firewall

You probably have spyware / malware. Scan your PC with Ad-Aware or Microsoft Defender.

Also, try to use Firefox instead of IE. ( starts to load in IE then IE closes?microsoft frontpage internet explorer

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download xoftspy422 and install it then run it stop the scan and click on scan settings tick every box and click on where it says %26gt;%26gt; click here to select a folder then tick the (c) thats your hard drive if you have 2 hard drives tick the 2 of them then click ok

then click start when the scan is done click on remove tab

ewido anti-spyware 4.0

ad-aware professional 6.0.... with %26gt;%26gt;%26gt; ad-watch 3.0

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make your internet access safe and 100% fast speed

you do make sure you call your (isp) or this will happen

is your pc still slow %26amp; your internet you have done a full system scan

with your anit virus /anti spyware you even defragmenter your hard drive

done a scan disk but your pc is still slow and your internet is not as good

then you need to check your router it dont mater what router you have

people in the vicinity is on your network

you call your (isp)



it dont matter what router you have you need to get

(GAMES %26amp; APPLICATION SHARING ) set to disable

is your router safe?

you need to call your (isp) server

they have to get you in to your router home page

then from there ..copy %26amp; paste the router home page

into a notepad then save that to a back up cd

now from there they have to take you to the part


then you click on ( GAMES %26amp; APPLICATION SHARING) icon

then at the top of the page on the right your see

configure.. you click on configure

then you .. UN-TICK .. the box ( GAMES %26amp; APPLICATION SHARING)

that is ticked there ...

then you click look down the page your see

%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;APPLY %26lt; %26lt; tab click on APPLY

I know they ie the legions of the evil one want Me hurt because LORD are greedy.?

and for one comman Man claim that almost all WORDS pertain to the LORD GOD is hard for people full of themselves to take. cause they see its not themselves but a poor Man from Canada born 1968.9.I7 so they try to get people to hate Me. But within Myself i see i am a way better christian then most. But like Jehovah said His time will end. thus let Jehovah rest and also let jesus rest and see you have been decieved because the truth is pretty much and word in europe seem to glorify one thing of person. And those with eyes can see that's Me. So jealousy will mean Satan will get you to hate Me wether I like it or not. So because you fear street level dons more that LORD GOD perhaps Satan wins and LORD GOD dies in times new roman font WAR? Basically My death will leave you with no hope.

So yes i am in a kind of war with Satan and His angels so if you refuse to help might as well admit your controlled by Satan and are basically at heart evil.

I know they ie the legions of the evil one want Me hurt because LORD are greedy.?windows 98

Jehovah's Witnesses have the true religion.

Learn more:

I know they ie the legions of the evil one want Me hurt because LORD are greedy.?microsoft support internet explorer

You know, they gave you medication for a reason. TAKE IT, please.
2 pts
yeah, and a double whopper with cheese, but please hold the onions? Can I have more ketchup? Thanks. Can I have a refill?

Unwanted changes to IE browser window.?

Why did "My Yahoo" page suddenly change so that the toolbar is now a drop down? And why are there "Get my credit score " ads covering my email and weather buttons? How do I restore it and remove these unwanted features?

Unwanted changes to IE browser window.?windows xp home

There are two Versions of My Yahoo. Maybe you are now using the My Yahoo beta. You can switch back to the original. This selection is on the first line of the web page to the right side. Make sure your IE text size is set to medium, otherwise the page doesn't render that well and you could see overlapping of some stuff. Yahoo! has gone ad crazy. There are ad-blocking programs available on the Internet. You might want to try one from a reputable vendor. Or you could put some advertising sites in the Windows Hosts file. You can look up these things on the Internet with a search engine. The Firefox browser also provides some ad blocking features. I'm not sure about your reference to the toolbar is now a drop down. Next time, you have to indicate what toolbar you are talking about (e.g., Yahoo! toolbar, toolbar on web page,...).

Unwanted changes to IE browser window.?microsoft visual studio internet explorer

you could run your anti spy gearand or restore your computer to an earlier date by using system restore go to the tools menu and go to toolbars and select lock the tool bars then once you have fixed your problems dont click on free product offers

When I open IE/sign into Yahoo Mail/message-signed out of messenger cause signed in on another puter

Can't you use Yahoo Messenger and sign into Yahoo mail at the same time? I never had this problem before.

When I open IE/sign into Yahoo Mail/message-signed out of messenger cause signed in on another puter/device ??

Does someone else have your password? That is the first thing I would consider. If someone else has signed into your mail then it would say that. You can set your messenger so that when you click on the "Mail Received" icon while signed into messenger it will automatically take you to mail - no more signing in required.

If your messenger signs out saying it is signed in on another pc means someone else has signed into your account which will automatically sign you out.

Change your password and don't let anyone else have it!

Why does my IE lock up when I have yahoo toolbar installed?

hi, perhaps you can try firefox and google toolbar. which maybe more powerful and easy to use.

firefox is much smaller than IE, so it run faster than IE.

just have a try. free download:

good Luck

Why does my IE lock up when I have yahoo toolbar installed?microsoft maps

yahoo is a browser, so is IE,, when you install yahoo it wants to be your primary browser and kick out IE,, IE is probably set to be your main browser so you get conflicts,, you have to set which you want to be the main one!!!

Ever since my ie combined with yahoo, it's missing most of the buttons. no mail, antispy, that

Click View -%26gt; Toolbars and check Yahoo toolbar on.

Its just probably deactivated.

If you cant find it there, go to and download it again

Can i delete ie 7?

can i delete ie7 if i have downloaded firefox for some reason i can only run ie7 as administrater so i want to delete and reinstall is this risky

Can i delete ie 7?microsoft flight simulator

I have found of no way to delete IE. What you can do is reinstall it though. The thing is, Windows needs IE to preform a lot of background things such as updates.

Can i delete ie 7?windows 2000 internet explorer

of course you can!, if you want to reinstall at some point just go to control panel add/remove windows components! i would suggest keeping it, for when you log into windows update as no other browser will work with that site, use the firefox for everyday browsing and i.e for that 1 task!
Not if you have the disk to reinstall

Do this

Start%26gt; Settings%26gt; Control Panel%26gt; Add Remove Programs%26gt;

Add/Remove Winows Components (Button on the Left)
Go to Control panel and then add/remove . Scroll down to IE7 and click on Remove.
If u have want to use Firefox as the only browser, there is no need to delete IE, just set Firefox as default browser and disable the checking for default browser option in IE.
you can delete anything you like as long as its your pc

If I remove IE 7 how do I get on the internet to down load 6?

Once you remove IE 7 your system should automatically revert back to the version that you had before.


You could download firefox before removing IE7 then use it to download IE 6.

If I remove IE 7 how do I get on the internet to down load 6?microsoft sql server

I'm glad I could be of assistance, but did you download firefox or just let it revert back to IE6? Report It

If I remove IE 7 how do I get on the internet to down load 6?windows themes internet explorer

why remove it if your computer is all updated, spyware and virus free and you dont have a ton of junk running on startup ie7 runs flawlessly and no add on tool bars
i take it you dont like ie7 then? have you tried firefox? the new version is great and once you use it for a little while you will never go back to ie7 (


If you have no browser you need to find a friend who has a browser to go get the exe file and put it on a cd for you to use.
You're going to have to download and install the IE 6.0 version from microsoft. (see below)

Switch back to IE from Mozilla?

I made my default server Mozilla Firefox (a long time ago), but for some reason, the scroll feature on my laptop doesn't work on Mozilla (VERY annoying). Can someone please remind me how to choose my default server so I can go back to Internet Explorer?

Switch back to IE from Mozilla?microsoft downloads

Click start then click "set program access defaults"

If you cant find it in your startmenu, then google your operatings system name then add the phrase "set default browser"

To help your confusion in the future I recommend reading the wikipedia definition of server and browser.

Switch back to IE from Mozilla?microsoft word 2003 internet explorer

i just keep my ie and downloaded firefox and didnt like it so deleted it but you probably still have ie
open IE, click tools, select the Programs tab, click make default
first reinstall ie. then go to control panel -%26gt;add/remove programs..self explanatory after that
Just double click on the Big Blue E
For IE7, Open up IE, go to Tool-%26gt;Internet Options, and click on the programs tab. There's a button on that page to set IE as default, along with a checkbox to ensure that it checks on startup to see if it's still the default. If I remember right, IE 6 has the checkbox, but no button, so on that version you have to check the box, restart IE, then you'll get a popup asking if you want to set it as default.
If you have IE7 goto Tools --%26gt; Internet Options --%26gt; Programs --%26gt; Under default web browser just %26lt;click%26gt; Make Default.
might want to make sure your mouse is set up properly to do the scroll action.
Before subjecting yourself again to the myriad security holes and disregard for web standards of Internet Explorer, you might want to try a couple of alternatives. :)

(Edit: And they're called browsers, just so ya know! Peace!)
I just switched from Internet Explorer to Mozilla Firefox because someone is hacking into IE and giving viruses so your best bet is to stay with Firefox but if you really want to switch then go into your control panel then to internet options and change it form there but i advise you deal with the inconvenience and stay with Firefox. Hope I helped.
I have firefox on my laptop, actually have both. Works fine.

Maybe something is not programed correctly?

Some waxed coats ie, Barbour - have a particular similar smell. What is it?

The Barbour factory know what I mean, but cannot give an answer.

I know it's not the Barbour wax dressing - The wax does not smell.


Some waxed coats ie, Barbour - have a particular similar smell. What is it?microsoft xp

It is a reaction between the material and the dressing applied in the factory.

The replacement dressing does not smell.

Some waxed coats ie, Barbour - have a particular similar smell. What is it?download windows xp internet explorer

It's the smell of the odd people that wear them
Scent of Gentry.
I have a Barbour and I don't smell it. It smells normal. My wife complains about the smell. She's American, I'm British, so I guess that means American and British noses are tuned differently.

Whis is the ie defender anti-spyware?

IE Defender is a scam. Don't buy it.

IE Defender's goal is to make you think that your computer is infected, even though it really isn't. That's why your normal anti-virus or anti-spyware doesn't find anything.

Whis is the ie defender anti-spyware?default browser

I can agree that Internet Explorer defender is not the best tool available and is infact malware , an application designed to trick users into believing the system is under attack from threats.

If you are looking for anti spy way with a resident shield that active scans your system in real time then I strongly suggest Microsoft Windows Defender.

If you have a bit to spend then my personal favorite anti - spy ware is AVG. anti - spy ware, yet many complain AVG slows your computer system down. Yet a very simple application to use and update.

More information can be found at

AVG Anti Spyware

Windows defender

All the best


Whis is the ie defender anti-spyware?microsoft word download internet explorer

IEDefender is an extremely dangerous rogue software created by programmers from Russia. It may be installed manually (from or using security holes. Once the IEDefender is installed, it will start showing fake security messages that your system is in danger and will trick you into buying its full version. IEDefender may steal your secret information (passwords, credit card numbers, PayPal accounts). IEDefenders work may damage Windows registry and cause system slowdowns and crashes. It may be difficult to remove IEDefender manually because it loads on every Windows startup and has an ability to renew itself if you try to remove it.


try this manual removal instructions:
IEDefender is NOT an anti-spyware. Truth is IEDefender is a fake and should not be trusted. IEDefender installs in your computer and displays fake security alerts to scare you in an attempt to purchase the full version of the program. IEDefender is also able to hijack your IE and display fake error messages within your search results, using the search engine's name within the message. IEDefender will try to make you think that you are infected with spyware and that you need IEDefender to solve your problem. If you are being attacked by this villain, I suggest you get rid of IEDefender as soon as possible. The removal instructions using Smitfraudfix are found here.
Dont used or buy IEDefender, It is better used AVG, CA, Norton, etc..
Try FREE Spybot here
